Sometimes regardless of how fun your job is, every occupation is work. Today, art feels like work. It's rainy outside, I'm working from home, and it's very tempting to curl up and watch a movie. However, I'm really trying to be the absolute best artist I can be and that just won't happen if I wait around to be inspired or only paint when I know a masterpiece is going to flow out of the end of my brush. Would I even remember how to hold a paintbrush if I waited for that? So, just a reminder to myself (ESPECIALLY to myself) as well as all my artist friends out there and all my friends who deep down inside are artists but have a never-ending supply of excuses about why they don't do art- not every painting (or whatever kind of art you do) is going to be magic... not every one is going to be good, but every one teaches you something and is a necessary stepping stone to the next. And who knows, the next might be magic.